ITFunctions : Utilities.getFolderName : : ITLibDB : dbquery
Error no. 0
Description invalid connection received at line no.: 0
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// Infotools library:- Error ! Nityundan Gotriya Bhide Pratishthan
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नित्यूंदन गोत्रीय भिडे प्रतिष्ठानची वार्षिक सर्वसाधारण सभा रविवार दिनांक २५ सप्टेंबर २०२२ रोजी आयोजीत केली आहे.
स्थळ : आनंद मंगल कार्यालय, सारसबागे समोर, पुणे.


Our sincere thanks are due to Shri Shashikumar K. Bhide, Prof. Subhash N. Bhide, Shri. Avinash C. Bhide, Shri. Madhav P. Bhide, Shri. Dilip V. Bhide, Shri. Vinayak V. Bhide (all from Pune), Shri. Damodar K. Bhide Dombivili), Shri Chandrakant S. Bhide & Shri. Chintamani J. Bhide ((both from Thane) and all others for their precious contribution, information, and efforts put in to help Nityundan Gotriya Bhide Pratishthan in building this site.

The Pratishthan thought about the Website, but could not do so due to lac of funds. The Donation given by Shri Madhav C. Bhide has helped us in bringing the idea of Website into reality. We are very much grateful to Mr. Madhav C. Bhide for donating Rs. 25,000/- for development of the Website, which has come in at the right time when Pratishthan was thinking for developing the Website.

We will appreciate your frank feedback and additional information to make the site more interesting.

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2009, All rights reserved Nityundan Gotriya Bhide Pratishthan, Mumbai, India.
Maintained by Infotools, Pune, Bharat
  |   *Last updated on :23 November, 2017   |   Add this website to favorites!